I used to have a live-in partner. we've been together for almost 2 yrs. I actually miss those days. That I am in charge of everything. It made me more responsible and stronger as a person. If there are happy times with this set up, definitely there are also downside. 

First, without a doubt, you will get to know your partner so so well. And I mean it. From his daily activities to habits. And good or bad, you have to accept everything, well that is if you really love him. But believe me, this will make your relationship stronger.

Second, managing finances. It's hard. (or was it only me?? :p) specially if it's your first time to be independent and relying on your own income. You have to budget your income to different things. House rent, electric bill, water bill, food and miscellaneous -- that's where the biggest bulk of income is normally allocated. haha! If you're not good at it, then.. you have to learn how to! you have no choice! 

third, there is a big chance of losing your connection with him. Though not in all cases but still, it's a possibility. Since from sunrise to sunset, you will be together, 24/7, there will come a time that you will just lose "it". the spark. the connection. the fire. And again, it's up to you and your partner how to revive your relationship. 

and this list will go on an on. but of course, this depends on the situation. there are a lot of factors and variables affecting almost anything and it's up to you to find your way out. 

having this experience really made me more mature and gave me a broader perspective about life. our relationship might end but the lessons that I've learned will forever be with me.


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