The Journey of my Heart

There are thousands of reasons why we come across with a person. There’s always purpose behind everything… and everyone. People will teach us different lessons and will allow us to experience different things. And as a human, we must know how to absorb and eventually understand their purpose.
The Dancing Nurse.
He opened my eyes to everything. He’s the first one. My first. He taught me how to accept myself and how to let others understand that we are special.  He taught me how to value education and family.
The Clubber.
After being a nerd, I eventually learned how to improve myself physically. Went to the gym and be cautious about my looks. Then he came. He showed me how to balance my life. That I also need to have fun. Through him, I met a lot of new people that I never thought I’d meet.
Mr. Businessman.
This person really help me mature a lot. With an age gap of 10yrs, he showed me how important work is that’s why even if I’m still studying, I’m slightly prepared to face the real battle of life. I learned from him that one should never stop learning and improving one’s self, not only for yourself, but also for the people around you.
The Family Guy.
Our relationship went one or two steps higher. He chose to be with me. I learned that being independent isn’t a piece of cake. We went through a lot of trials not as lovers but as partners battling our way to survive this so called life. We may not end up together, but still, he left me with inner strength that we acquire through different life experiences.

The Man of a few Words.
He’s close to perfection. Family oriented, loving, hardworking and trust worthy. With him, I learned how to trust. After all the experiences I had, trust is something I don’t easily give but with him, he proved me that there are very few people whom you can really trust and will is willing to sacrifice for you.
The Kiddo.
After devoting my life to work for years, he came to teach me how to loosen up. And that having fun isn’t about drinking and partying at all times. There can be fun in simple things. We may really have different life perspective but still, we managed to blend in together. I learned to open up myself again and allow me to do things I’ve never done before. Because of our age gap, I was encouraged to develop to be extra understanding and to meet him halfway. But most of all, because of him, I learn how to forgive and to move on.
The reason why I wrote this one is for everyone to realize that break ups isn’t about infidelity, heartaches and bitterness at all because admit it or not, they have contributed a lot to who you are right now. They may have caused use pain but we must look at the brighter side of it. We became wiser. We became better. We became who we are.


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