This one's for you Bebe: "Fruits that will increase your appetite"

This entry is dedicated to my Bebe.

A good friend of mine, Hazel, just had an operation and for some time now, she's been having issues with her appetite. She can't even consume one hotdog. And it's not good because for all we know, we need proper and ample nutrients for our body cells to repair themselves. So what I did is, I searched for different food that will increase her appetite. And on my end, these are the food that I should avoid. haha!

Get well soon! 

Here it is. :)

Oranges are an exceptionally valuable cure for individuals who go through from loss of appetite. Oranges contain Vitamin C, which provokes the flow of digestive juices. It even lends a hand in the course of digestion. Consume a minimum of one orange a day to make better your digestion.
Ginger is supportive in treating a huge number of health ailments and is also a medicinal spice. Ginger also perks up the digestive enzymes of the body. Consumption of ginger makes you feel ravenous and you can increase your food ingestion.
Grape juice has an astringent effect. It assists in alleviating gas problems and abdominal swelling as well as does away with waste toxins and harmful products from the body. By eliminating toxins from the body, it can bring back your appetite.
Apples are identified to be tremendously helpful in building up the appetite. They increase the flow of pepsin, which is an enzyme that facilitates digestion in the stomach. An apple a day in reality keeps the doctor away.
Citrus fruits such as lemon are loaded with vitamin C, which is known to make better the resistance. In addition, the antioxidant in lemon improves the digestive system by removing toxins and harmful elements present in the kidneys and liver.
Include cinnamon in your food. It stimulates the desire for food naturally. You can mix cinnamon with a little sugar and add it over a buttered toast. Other spices that add to appetite include anise, fenugreek, and peppermint.


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