A prayer for the brokenheart

When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you. Psalm 34:18

I know any heartache and pain is tolerable with His grace. He will never allow us to suffer for He loves us. As a matter  of fact, He gave up His own Son just for us. He is just waiting for us and His arms are wide open to embrace us. I may not have the strongest faith in Him in the world but I do believe in His grace and with that, nothing is impossible. I'm such a sinner but inspite of that, He continously love me, for I am His son, and He is my Father.

I wanted to share to you this short article I just found;

Father's Love Letter 
When you are brokenhearted,
I am close to you.

Psalm 34:18
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
(NIV Bible)

At our greatest time of need, when we feel the most alone, Father God is the closest to us. When our hearts are broken in pieces, He is very near to bring comfort and healing. We may not always feel His presence during these difficult times, but He is with us nonetheless. With a tenderness that can only come from the Father, He wants to love us back to life and wholeness.
Sometimes our inaccurate perception of God will cause us to run away from Him during these seasons in our life. We fear that He might want to take advantage of our vulnerability and bring even more pain into our lives. But God is not like that. He doesn't kick us when we are down, and He is not indifferent when we are suffering, for He is our Father. And His Father's heart is deeply moved with compassion for us as He runs to be close to us so that He can save us when we are crushed in spirit.
The Bible says in Isaiah 42:3, A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. When you are bruised and broken, be encouraged to know that your Father is near and promises to save you.
Father, I thank You for being close to the brokenhearted and for saving those who are crushed in spirit. I pray that I might allow Your arms of love to surround me in the midst of my brokenness and despair. I know You that during the most difficult seasons in my life, You are closer to me than I could possibly imagine. Thank You for drawing near to me and for saving me in my greatest time of need. In the name of Your beloved Son Jesus I pray, AMEN.
Let's keep on praying that whatever God's plan is for us, we'll be able to accept it wholeheartedly. 

Happy Easter guys!
God bless!


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